I believe that we earth humans have a potential to be healthy and functional on at least seven dimensions. In no particular order, the dimensions are physical, emotional, mental, social, economic, environmental, and spiritual. In my opinion, most of us are pretty good at finding a balance in 2-4 dimensions. For instance, a person may be physically fit, have a rewarding social life, and economically prosperous. That person may be void of any spiritual life and may have mental and emotional challenges.
These seven dimensions are my lens for my life and thoughts. My strong sense is that those of us who strive toward some form of self actualization or enlightenment are really seeking health on all seven dimensions. More than just being healthy and strong in seven dimensions, I feel that there must be an alignment of the core goals and values of each dimension.
When I take in what is happening in the United States today, I feel that individuals and groups are struggling to find both balance and alignment. The example that's been on my mind and in the news in recent weeks is about an alignment between spiritual and economic values. Specifically, there are actual and proposed laws which suggest that denying to serve homosexual customers is a religious freedom. I understand the concept of "right livelihood," meaning that we hope our money is earned in a way that aligns with our core values. So I appreciate it when a company tries to live their values.
The place where it gets tangled up is that we are not all alone in a world full of perfectly aligned and shared values. If my religion said that all red-heads were damned to hell and my company refused to serve red-heads, I may feel like my economic, spiritual, and social dimensions were aligned. Until I got feedback from the public via social media and my revenue stream. If the public were angry because some red heads were feeling abused physically, mentally, socially, and/or emotionally by my company's lack of service; then my revenue stream would decrease. My spiritual dimension could become healthier while my economic dimension shriveled up and my social dimension was unstable due to negative press.
Would this motivate me to find a new way to align my values? At what point do I realize that my values need to align without impeding another party's values? In which dimensions do I change in order to find my own alignment? Is it possible for people with differing values to live in harmony, each with their own form of alignment?
In my heart of hearts I believe that all people are growing and learning. We all possess the capacity to create love and to create hate. Our creations become feedback to help us see whether we are going in the right direction or whether we might need to change. When our dimensions are aligned, that which benefits our pocket books will also benefit our environment, our emotions, and our bodies, to name just a few of the dimensions.
In which dimensions are you the strongest? In which dimensions are you struggling?
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